Thursday, 30 January 2014

Find your Lost Android Phone

A lost phone is worrisome. You would fear that someone misuse your phone pushing you in serious troubles. I'm not talking about SIM, because you can block that. But what if you have very vital information stored in your phone??! Then definitely it is a serious issue. Prevention is better than cure. First of all implement the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings->Security->Device Administrators->Android Device Manager
  2. Tap on it and activate it.
  • Now if your phone is lost, go to google play store
  • There you can see a gear like button on the top right corner of your page, click on it and select Android Device Manger
You have 3 options:

  • Ring: You can ring your phone
  • Lock your phone
  • Erase all data: This will erase all data but not SD card. Also  Android Device Manger wont work if you erase the data

  • Tuesday, 28 January 2014

    Replace spaces in a string with %20

    Here's the code to replace all the spaces with %20 in a given string.

      1 #include<iostream> 
      2 using namespace std;
      3 int main() 
      4 { 
      5     int i,len,count=0; 
      6     char *str; 
      7     str=new char[100]; 
      8     cout<<"Enter your string: "; 
      9     gets(str); 
     10     len=strlen(str); 
     11     for(i=0;i<len;i++) 
     12     { 
     13         if(str[i]==' ') 
     14             count++; 
     15     } 
     16     int newlength=len+count*2; 
     17     str[newlength]='\0'; 
     18     for(i=len-1;i>=0;i--) 
     19     { 
     20         if(str[i]==' ') 
     21         { 
     22             str[newlength-1]='0'; 
     23             str[newlength-2]='2'; 
     24             str[newlength-3]='%'; 
     25             newlength=newlength-3; 
     26         } 
     27         else 
     28         { 
     29             str[newlength-1]=str[i]; 
     30             newlength=newlength-1; 
     31         } 
     32     } 
     33     cout<<"String after replacing: "; 
     34     puts(str); 
     35     return 0;
     36 } 

    Removing duplicates from the string

    Here's the code to remove duplicates from a given string. In this program, I've used a variable called tail which is used to remove all the duplicates and also acts as boundary for string comparison.

      1 #include<iostream> 
      2 using namespace std;
      3 int main() 
      4 { 
      5     char *str; 
      6     str=new char[50]; 
      7     cout<<"enter"; 
      8     cin>>str; 
      9     int tail = 1,len;
     10     len=strlen(str); 
     11      for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
     12         int j; 
     13         for (j = 0; j < tail; ++j) {
     14              if (str[i] == str[j]) break;
     15          } 
     16         if (j == tail) { 
     17             str[tail] = str[i]; 
     18             ++tail; 
     19          } 
     20     } 
     21  str[tail] = 0; 
     22  for(int i=0;i<len;i++) 
     23      cout<<str[i]; 
     24  return 0;
     25 }
    I appreciate your suggestions if any....Thank you

    Reverse a String

    Here's a program to reverse a string. Although I'm not sure about the time complexity, this program has worked well

      1 #include<iostream> 
      2 using namespace std;
      3 int main() 
      4 { 
      5     char *a, *b,c; 
      6     int i,j; 
      7     cout<<"Enter: "; 
      8     a=new char[50]; 
      9     b=new char[50]; 
     10     cin>>a; 
     11     int l=strlen(a); 
     13     for(i=0,j=l-1;i<l-1,j>0,i<j;i++,j--) //Swap last and first characters
     14     { 
     15         c=a[i]; 
     16         a[i]=a[j]; 
     17         a[j]=c; 
     18     } 
     19     for(i=0;i<l;i++) 
     20         cout<<a[i]; 
     21     return 0;
     22 } 

    Friday, 24 January 2014

    Program to determine if a string has unique characters

    This is a simple program to check if all the characters in a string are unique or not if no additional data structure is provided.
      1 #include<iostream> 
      2 using namespace std;
      3 int main() 
      4 { 
      5     int i,l,j; 
      6     bool f=true; 
      7     char a[50];
      8     cout<<"Enter: "; 
      9     gets(a); 
     10     l=strlen(a); 
     11     for(i=0;i<l;i++) 
     12     { 
     13         for(j=l-1;i<j;j--) 
     14         if(a[i]==a[j]) 
     15         { 
     16             f=false; 
     17             break; 
     18         } 
     19     } 
     20     if(f) 
     21         cout<<"All unique"; 
     22     else 
     23         cout<<"Not unique"; 
     24     return 0;
     25 } 

    Saturday, 18 January 2014


    Do you know how the name bug came into picture in computer world??? In computer world, a bug is a "mistake" in a program whereas in real world, a bug is kind of "moth". Then how these two were related?? Here is the answer:

    In early days of computer, when its hardware is very sensitive, a small moth caused a relay to fail when Aiken, Hopper were working on Harvard Mark1 computer. Hopper and other programmers taped the deceased moth in a log book with the note "First actual case of bug being found."

    The log book is currently on the display at Navel Museum in Dahlgren, Virginia. This was the first computer documented bug.

    Professor Aiken would come into the facility during a slack time and inquire if any numbers were being computed. Then the programmers would reply that they were debugging the computer!!!!!

    In this way we bug came into computer world !!

    Facebook Themes

    The other day I was searching for some apps in google play store and I found themes for Facebook. It was surprise to me but that did last only few minutes because of the poor layouts. Themes shown in gallery and themes applied to facebook account were different. Also facebook icon i.e.  is completely removed and the new layout is completely misplaced in some be selective in choosing these themes and not all are good! For those who want to try have a look:

    1. Go to chrome webstore and search for Facebook themes and download the one with facebook icon shown here: .
    2. Now after installation type chrome://extensions in address bar and search for facebook themes.
    3. In options click on explore and install your favorite theme it takes just a second!
    4. Go to your facebook account and you can see the applied theme.

    5. If you want to switch to default, just go to installed tab and click on disable!

    Friday, 17 January 2014

    Restore Whatsapp Messages

    We all use Whatsapp and no doubt we love it!! But some times we accidentally delete our important messages in Whatsapp! And you don't know what to do next.
    There are two methods to restore those messages.

    Method 1:

    1. First of all, go to sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases in your sdcard. 
    2. Here you will two files for example: msgstore-2014-01-07.db.crypt and msgstore.db.crypt. Rename the second file i.e. msgstore.db.crypt by adding some word.
    3. After that select the file msgstore-2014-01-07.db.crypt and rename it to  msgstore.db.crypt
    4. Finally, go to Settings/Applications/Manage applications/WhatsApp and click on Clear Data.
    5. Now open WhatsApp and it asks to restore messages. Click on restore.

    Method 2:

    There is also another method using web application called Recover Messages. Visit that site and click on Select SQlite File to upload your msgstore-2014-01-07.db.crypt file and select Scan. (Don't forget to check the box I accept the terms of use) It takes few seconds and you can read all your messages.

    The drawback in this second method is that messages are not restored in your chat history instead you can only extract and read them!

    Saturday, 11 January 2014

    Download java sdk

    Downloading java is not similar to any other interface. For example to download turbo C, you just need to download turbo C software and no need to make any changes in your computer. But for java to work we have to make some changes as Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode (class file) that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture.

     So just follow the steps give below:

    Step 1: To download java click here. Make sure that you download Java SE (Standard Environment) not netbeans.
    Step 2: After that you will get two filles: 1) jdk1.7.0_45 2) jre7
    If you type javac in your command prompt it says that java is not recognized even if it is downloaded in your system
    Step 3: Goto to jdk1.7.0_45----->bin------->copy the location of the file.
    Step 4: Goto my computer and right click to go in properties.
    Step 5: Then in advanced settings click on environment variables and click on new.
    Step 6: Give the name exactly as "Path" (without quotes) and paste the address that you have copied in step 3 and click on OK.
    Now go to command prompt and type javac. You will see all the files related to java!
    A video is provided here. You can follow it if you are bit confused!

    Friday, 10 January 2014

    Ghost Keyboard Typing

    Hello, now I'm going to share you how to prank your friend with notepad!!!
    Yes! You heard it right! with "NOTEPAD"...just follow the steps...

    Step 1: Open notepad.
    Step 2: Copy the below code exactly in your notepad.

    set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("wScript.Shell") "Notepad"
    wscript.sleep 400
    wshshell.sendkeys "H"
    wscript.sleep 100
    wshshell.sendkeys "E"
    wscript.sleep 120
    wshshell.sendkeys "L"
    wscript.sleep 200
    wshshell.sendkeys "L"
    wscript.sleep 100
    wshshell.sendkeys "L"
    wscript.sleep 140
    wshshell.sendkeys "O"
    wscript.sleep 100
    wshshell.sendkeys " "
    wscript.sleep 50
    wshshell.sendkeys "W"
    wscript.sleep 120
    wshshell.sendkeys "O"
    wscript.sleep 170
    wshshell.sendkeys "R"
    wscript.sleep 100
    wshshell.sendkeys "L"
    wscript.sleep 50
    wshshell.sendkeys "D"
    wscript.sleep 120
    wshshell.sendkeys "!"
    wscript.sleep 160
    wshshell.sendkeys "!"
    wscript.sleep 200
    wshshell.sendkeys "!"
    wscript.sleep 100

    Step 3: Now save the file as Hello.vbs (Don't forget the extension .vbs)
    Step 4: Double click the saved file and see the magic!

    Note: If you get any error regarding "Line" or "Char" then you just right click the saved file and go to edit option. Remove all quotation marks (") and re-type them manually and save it. Now repeat step 4. 

    Understand Computers!

    Computers have become an important and indispensable feature of our lives. Ever since its inventions few decades ago and the subsequent introduction of the Internet, it has become an essential tool for many students and adults alike. Computer is used at work and even at schools which usually have computer laboratories. Computers are every where

    Its not late to start learning computers now! Of-course even a 4th standard child operates computers these days. But to sustain in this computer world one should know how to use a computer rather its background processes. A person who concentrates on such processes obviously becomes a future computer scientist or computer engineer. Even they start their career by knowing how the computer works!

    So you should understand your machine!! For that I advice to download a book called "Windows 7 Dummies" if your OS is windows 7 or "Windows 8 Dummies" if it is Windows 8. Click on below links to download it for free.